Air Control & Filtration | Spray Paint Gun Filter

An often-overlooked yet fundamental factor that contributes to a model-quality refinishing job is the air control and filtration system used in spray paint guns. Even paints and spray guns of the highest quality will fall short of their potential without the right filtration. A proper spray paint gun filter ensures that contaminants such as dirt, water, and oil are removed from the air supply, so your spray gun performs at its best and produces an immaculate finish, whether applying base coats, clear coats, or specialized finishes.

Devilbiss Automotive Refinishing offers plenty of air control and spray paint gun filter products that provide cleaner and more reliable air for your spray paint guns.

Why You Should Invest in a Spray Paint Gun Filter

1. Removes Contaminants

Airlines in spray painting carry a plethora of contaminants that can ruin your work. Dust, dirt, water, and oil can all find their way into the air supply and contaminate the paint as it’s applied. These impurities can warrant uneven finishes, drips, and imperfections.

An effective spray paint gun filter can remove these contaminants before they reach the spray gun and infect your application. Devilbiss’ filtration solutions will capture and eliminate these contaminants efficiently and preserve the integrity of your automotive paint jobs.

2. Guarantees Consistent Performance

When moisture, oil, or particulates enter your spray gun, it can affect the atomization of the paint and generate inconsistent coverage and finish quality. First-rate air control and spray paint gun filter systems like those from Devilbiss ensure your spray gun operates with efficiency and warrants professional-grade coatings with each and every application.

3. Reducing Downtime and Maintenance

Contaminants in the air supply can clog spray gun components, giving rise to things like increased wear and tear and possible equipment failure. A quality spray paint gun filter can protect your equipment and limit the frequency of maintenance and downtime, which can be particularly beneficial for shops operating at high volumes. 

4. Compact and Space-Saving Solutions

Many of our CamAir® air control and filtration systems are compact and space-efficient – a convenient choice in tight spaces. Features like quick-change bowls and easy-to-access valves provide trouble-free maintenance without shutting down your main shop air supply.

Browse Our Air Control Filtration Systems 

Investing in the right air control and spray paint gun filter products is imperative for achieving the best possible results in automotive refinishing. Your spray gun should operate with clean and contaminant-free air, so you can have smoother, more consistent finishes and longer-lasting equipment. The right filtration system will make a noticeable difference in your work.

Browse our selection of air control and filtration products below to find the perfect solution for your needs and to guarantee your finish is flawless!